On Oct. 26, the first-ever World Amyloidosis Day will be celebrated across the globe. World Amyloidosis Day, organized by the Amyloidosis Alliance and international patient organizations, aims to raise awareness of the average four-year delay individuals with amyloidosis face in being diagnosed.
Using the symbol of a link and the slogan “be the link,” World Amyloidosis Day seeks to unite individuals with amyloidosis, their caregivers, health care professionals, and the general public in the fight against amyloidosis. As the holiday’s official Twitter page stated, “Talking about #amyloidosis is a way of fighting it!”
World Amyloidosis Day is also calling on caregivers, medical professionals, and individuals living with amyloidosis to participate in the holiday by sharing their “Amylostory.” These testimonials will help highlight the unique lived experiences of those with the disease and the people who love and care for them.
On Oct. 26, World Amyloidosis Day ambassador Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt — a globally acclaimed novelist, playwright, actor, and director — will read one of these stories in the live “My Amylostory” miniseries. Those interested in taking other actions to spread the word can organize online or local events — including contests, artistic performances, and more — and share them on social media using the hashtag #bethelink.
The miniseries, as well as further information about World Amyloidosis Day, can be found on its social media pages, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The World Amyloidosis Day website also offers resources for those interested to share on their own social media accounts, including a World Amyloidosis Day infographic. There’s even a World Amyloidosis Day profile picture frame for Facebook users to raise awareness of amyloidosis and World Amyloidosis Day.
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A MyAmyloidosisTeam Member
This is a good idea. Thank you whoever started this
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