2 Lead Pacemaker Vs 3 Lead
My husband's electrocardiologist recommended changing his 2 lead pacemaker to a BiV 3 lead pacemaker. Said it might help with his ejection fraction of 48 and his shortness of breath. Has anyone had any experience with this?
I know that a 2 lead the wires are in the right Atrium and right Ventricle to work to maintain a regular heart rate;the 3rd lead is left Ventricle if there's problem or not functioning properly. That's the best I can explain
Do you already have a pacemaker?
I just visited with my cardiologist and because of my cardiac amyloid is going to implant a defibrillator device.
Thanks for the info. I am still interested to hear if anyone has had this done and if they saw any improvement after the change from a 2 lead vice a 3 lead.
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I Have Amyloidosis, Wt., With Afib. I Am Scheduled For A Biventricular Pacemaker. Is This Going To Help Me?
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