Is Anyone Else Having Trouble Qualifying For The Vyndalink Assistance Program? Seems You Have Many More Hoops To Jump Through. Thoughts?
Its Pfizer’’ assistance program, has paid for all cost last 3 years . Much more difficult this year to qualify . Enroll in Medicare payment plan, try to get money from 3 foundations and more strict on joint income!
To discuss issues related to qualifying for the Vyndalink Assistance Program, you can connect with others who understand your situation on MyAmyloidosisTeam. Here are some steps to help you navigate the social network and ask questions:
1. Access the Menu Icon: Select the menu icon in the upper left corner of the social Show Full Answer
It certainly shows drug companies and insurance companies are just very greedy! I can’t believe that either one of them are losing money. Eliminating that middle man between the consumer and the drug companies is the problem. Drugs like eliquis and jardiance that most of us take and need seem expensive but not even close to Vyndamax and let’s say cancer treatment drugs. I wonder if Mark Cuban and his companies which sells so many drugs cheaper could help. With all the recent political rhetoric I sure didn’t hear anyone really take a stand on drug price gouging . I do agree with you Paula , appeal appeal appeal! Just stay tenacious and never give up. Thanks for all you do!
The Medicare Part D out of pocket maximum that you will pay in 2025 is $2,000.00. That leaves you $8,000.00 to cover your premiums for the rest of the year. Most plans are covering Vyndaqel in 2025 but your doctor can request a medical exception to see if they will cover Vyndamax. If they say no, then find a plan that does cover one of the drugs. Insurance companies are doing what they can to dump patients who cost them money and amyloid patients certainly do that.
Patients wanting to try the newly approved drug Attruby will also need to request a medical exception since the drug was not yet approved when the 2025 formularies were set up. Doctors need to write a letter of medical necessity when insurance turns down coverage of any of these drugs. ALWAYS APPEAL!!!
Honestly what does $10,000 do when we are talking about $27,000 a month . Most part D plans don’t cover Vydamax! Drug cost keeps going up, help to get it more and more difficult.
Info On Pfizer's Patient Support
Costs Associated With Amyloidosis Treatments
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