Are There Different Mutations Of Wtattr
Wild type TTR is one of the slowest progressing types of amyloid and treatment slows it even further. Like Theresa said, don't focus on the prognosis. It is different for every patient.
Joseph don’t focus on the prognosis. Believe me I know it’s hard! There are people that last months. There are people that last for years. It’s a very case by case.
No, wild-type ATTR (ATTRwt) amyloidosis does not involve mutations. In ATTRwt amyloidosis, the TTR gene is normal and does not contain any mutations. This type of amyloidosis is associated with aging and is most commonly diagnosed in men over age 70.
This AI-generated response comes from MyAmyloidosisTeam and other selected sources. It is not a substitute for medical advice. Always ask your doctor about specific health concerns.
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Hello….Those Of You With Hattr. Did It Tend To Run In Your Families? And Was The Age Of Onset Younger Than 75?
Does A Negative Attr Gene Test Mean I Have Wild Type?