Do Any Of You Fellow ATTRwt Sufferers Have Ankle Nerve Problems?
I have had an incrediby sensative spot near my right ankle bone that I am sure is a damaged nerve. I have been to so many neurologists about the pain and none of them can figure out what causes it. I have decided it has something to do with nerve damage from Amyloidosis. The pain is getting worse and spreading over a bigger area. Hard to walk because of the pain some days.
Would love to know if anyone else has this problem.
I bumped my left ankle on the side of my Rav 4, getting in I dis this 4 months ago and it is still discolored and painful to touch, ..I also have nerve damage in my feet and neuropathy as well my feel are always cold. Good luck. FLO
I have neuropathy in my feet, though no swelling yet. Also have swelling above my right knee cap.
Thsnk your response. I go to my ATTRwt doctor tomorrow for a 6 month check up. Will ask him what he thinks we should do about the nerve pain. I'll let you know,
Do you see a neurologist? I have peripheral neuropathy due to wt ATTR Amyloidosis. I was taking gabapentin for my nerve damage but it had quit helping. They changed me to Lyrica and it is helping more with the pain. I also use insulin infusions to reverse the neuropathy in my arms, hands, legs and feet.
Thanks for comment on ankle pain. Will talk to Amyloidosis doctor at next appointment.
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