What Is Considered A Good Diet While Going Through Treatment??
Google changed "most" to "smoking" see above!!
I LOATH Google...ESPECIALLY it auto interference!!! I TRULY DESPISE goole and it's intrusive "intelligence"
I personally like basmati rice. And as far as the sugar… well I think a little treat in moderation isn’t such a bad thing. Can’t deny yourself of things either. Life is supposed to be sweet 😉
Maybe try more natural sugars like a piece of fruit or a little square of dark chocolate. (Don’t hate me Stanford)
As with everything talk to your doctor & a nutritionist to get you on a good road. Stanford is right about the processed foods. They’re horrible for you!
And if you can, walk, walk, walk!
Try duck duck go. It’s much better
Avoid smoking foods.
Avoid highly processed foods such as most stuff from boxes and bags that have ingredients list of more than a few words.
Eat all the fresh fruits and vegetables you can as well as unprocessed fish and chicken and beef and pork in moderate amounts.
REAL whole grain cereals and bread: NOT most of what is on most grocery store shelves but real honest whole grain.
Avoid white sugar, white highly processed flour, white rice, ( 😉 if it's white it ain't right😉)
A couple mules green tea every day.
Read from the Bible daily and attend a solid Bible believing church and associate with its members. Trust God/Christ/Holy Spirit
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