Have You Found Vyndamax To Help Or Shortness Of Breath Or Relieve It Altogether? Has Helped Me But I Still Get Winded Walking.
I have always said that patients are the best educators!
Sheldon proves my point! Thank you Sheldon!
I have talked with Sheldon and feel better after. He knows more than most Drs.about this disease!! Joe
One of my favorite quotations. I use it all the time to combat magical thinking…
Tee, I find it helps overall, but my symptoms (shortness of breath, dizziness and arrhythmia) still come and go. Have a great day!
Sheldon, your knowledge is impressive and I just hope and pray that these new medication’s are offered to those of us with wild type.
Does Anyone Else Have Shortness Of Breath 24 Hours Then Goes Away? What Do You Do ,??
Is There Anyone Else Out There With Cardiac Amyloidosis ATTR Wild With Heart Failure?
I've Been Subscribed Jardiance Along With My Vyndaquel. Is Anyone Else Using This Drug, And Have You Seen Results?