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Does Anyone With Postural Orthostatic Hypotension Still Drive?

A MyAmyloidosisTeam Member asked a question 💭

My cardiologist just recently told me he didn’t see why I wasn’t driving already. No I never passed out sitting down but still uncomfortable with the idea. He said my problem would be when I reach my destination and stand up to get out of the car. With that and the neuropathy in my feet I’m still not sure. I would love to get behind the wheel again. 🤷🏻‍♀️

posted July 15
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A MyAmyloidosisTeam Member

Theresa, I feel like that too. Would like to know I can get behind the wheel at times. But I’m grateful I have my husband who never complains and takes me wherever I want to go.

posted July 15
A MyAmyloidosisTeam Member

I have driving since last September with no problem.I drive less than an hour to my friends or to a club meetings.

posted July 17
A MyAmyloidosisTeam Member

Like Beverly, I'm very fortunate to have a husband to drive for me. I do wish I were still able to drive but I worry about the safety of those I would pass on the roads and myself.

posted July 16
A MyAmyloidosisTeam Member

I hate not having my independence. It really stinks!

posted July 15
A MyAmyloidosisTeam Member

My boyfriend has been great about it but he works so much and has so little free time. 😿

posted July 16

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