What's A Common Misconception About Amyloidosis?
I think we’re in the Dark Ages regarding this disease and that it’s much more prevalent that currently acknowledged.
Biggest misconception… we’re not dying tomorrow! Hopefully long life ahead for all of us!
I agree with Stanford that life expectancy is better in length and quality than many believed. When I was first diagnosed the things I read and my regular cardiologist gave me 2 - 3 years. After meeting with my amyloidosis specialist cardiologist, he said that it is likely that some other old age related condition could cause my demise. He said I have at least 10 - 12 more good years. Dan
PS I love the hats you and your wife are wearing. I also love your positive attitude.
One of the most confusing misconceptions is that the estimates for survival are based on a small set of people. As more people are added to the dataset that have been treated with better medicines and procedures the average survival rate will get longer. Which adds up to a longer life. ☺️
A physical therapist just told me that she studied at a big university and they saw very few cases of amyloidosis, now so many veterans are being diagnosed with it. It seems to be a poorly recognized disease.
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Does A Biopsy Tell What Type Of Amyloidosis You Have?
My Husband Has Been Just Diagnosed With Wild Type Amyloidsis. He Has A Pace Maker (Bradycardia ) Aorta Valve Replaced And Mitral Valve Repa