Anyone Here Have Neg Bone Marrow For Amyloidois And Neg Fat Aspirate? But Docs Push For Other Organ Involvement? MGUS And Bence Jones.
Yes, I know. But their concern is, because they keep growing, it can go into a vital organ.
Wow Mary and you were diagnosed in 2011! If you don’t mind me asking what organ involvement do you have?
I haven’t but I would do it anyway just to rule it out. Amyloidosis could be anywhere! How is your light chain bloodwork? If that’s abnormal I would keep looking.
Olivia looks like you need to keep looking.
Mary it seems to be that the overall survival is better for the people that have it in their soft tissue and joints rather than a major organ like heart or kidneys.
Theresa, my kappa/lamba ratio was very high at 12.5.
I Saw An Amyloid Specialist And Exhaustively Went Over My Symptoms. He Was Sure I Have Amyloidosis. Tests Show I Do Not. What Can It Be?
Info On Pfizer's Patient Support
Organ Specific Primary Amyloidosis Can You Explain This Condition?