Skin Amyloidosis
Is it called Primary Cutaneous Amyloidosis
There is an excellent description of the various types of cutaneous amyloidosis located here:
Can anyone tell if taking vitamin C supplements be beneficial to persons having PCLA?
Another thing to reduce inflammation which will lead to flare up is to take pure cold pressed olive oil and garlic( with a piece of bread) . This I started 10 days ago and seems to be beneficial
Exceptional Description.
I have tried many substances. The best I found is petroleum jelly as it seems to melt the harsh skin.
Also there are organic creams from Ghana Chocho and mercy which also help.
Sea water is also good to reduce inflammation and puritus for about 3 hours. After 3 hours one should take a shower and moisturize the skin
I have AL Amyloidosis. A different type. Must say tho that my skin does get itchy and aggravated. Have a good day.
I Have Very Severe Poly Neuropathy What Can I Do? I Have To Use A Walker Nerve Damage Re EMG. Sudden Severe Pain Back Of Legs
Does Amyloidosis Effect Your Memory
Does A Biopsy Tell What Type Of Amyloidosis You Have?